Finally! We're gonna have a BABY! I love good news. I took a pregnancy test on Sunday, October 3 just before going to bed, and the + sign showed up almost instantly. At this point, I'm thinking (based on my last cycle) that I'm 5 4 weeks and 5 days pregnant-you'll see why I say "thinking" a little later. I really wasn't paying attention to when my next cycle should start because I was too busy tracking my temps that I really didn't count it up to see when I should be starting AF. I realized I may be pregnant when cycle day 34 rolled around and there was absolutely NO sign of my evil AF. The longest my cycle has EVER been is 33 days, so that's when I got suspicious. The timing is pretty much a joke, cause Jason and I talked (that night) about waiting a little longer since he's losing his job. I'm sure glad God has a sense of humor...
So, since I got my BFP, I've noticed quite a bit of cramping and aching in my abdomen...and of course, I panicked and called my OB (haha! now I have an OB). He said that with my history of miscarriage, the only way to know for sure that everything is ok is for him to see me. I went in on Thursday, October 7 and they did an ultrasound. seems I'm not quite as far along as I had hoped. I was actually only 4 weeks and 2 days when I found out, so the ultrasound only showed a little bitty blob where the baby is at. Doc said next week at my next appointment, we should be able to see where the yolk sac has formed around the baby.
So, I have another appointment this Thursday and I'm praying that all has been going well in there and that he/she has been behaving themself and growing...if not, well then, he/she's going to get a spanking first thing...ok, maybe second thing after a hug and kiss from mommy and daddy...